Maine Delite - About Us Sharing our home and beloved Maine Coon Cats..

Maine Delite is a small central Ohio  established 2001. All of our Maine Coon cats are home raised and valued family members. The Maine Coon Cattery is closed to outside breeding and we are firmly dedicated to the health and welfare of our Maine Coons. Providing exceptional pets for those looking for lap buddies and/or show interests. We look for animal enthusiasts that will appreciate these great Maine Coons, and work hard at providing loving homes for a lifetime. I have dedicated my resources in striving to produce the best examples of these extraordinary Maine Coons. While working hardest to maintain the above standard qualities we all love. My children and grand children have the same passion as I do for the Maine Coon..... we have always grown up with pets and they will forever be family members to us.

After working as a Vet Technician for over 15 years in Indiana, and breeding/training dogs for over 30 years, I have a huge respect for these beautiful cats and take being a breeder as a serious responsibility. As should pet ownership of all kinds.

Above photos are inside and outside rooms that the cats enjoy and rotate for fun !

Kitty door shown below allows for the cats to enjoy the outer porch at will ....

Above, Mr. Oliver is always interested in the girls !

The youngsters above run the house like a herd when playing... then cat nap after  >>

The girls have the best view of the Park.

Copyright © 2002 all rights reserved
